Our Club

Welcome to Fifty Point Yacht Club

FPYC is located within the Hamilton Conservation Authority, (HCA) known by many as Fifty Point Marina. Our yacht club rents slips from HCA, which owns and operates the marina on the south shore of Lake Ontario, (N43.13.62; W79.37.33). To our visitors, we hope you will have an opportunity to come to Fifty Point and enjoy reciprocal privileges with us this season. We look forward to your coming and hope you enjoy your visit.


See the website tabs and Scuttlebutt for updates on:

• 2024 Social Events and 40th Anniversary Celebrations

• 2024 Cruising Calendar

The 2024 Membership Application is posted on the " Join our Club " tab.

There is one position open on the Executive - Vice Commodore. Please consider volunteering! If you have any questions, please email fpycinfo@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration!

"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

Good Friends, Good Fun, Good Times!

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©Website: D.Goede  Drone Photography: C.Almeida